i2 Analyze Server Admin Console
The i2 Analyze Server Admin Console enables you to reload the gateway, preview configured services on the gateway, and configure type conversion mappings from a web browser.
To access the admin console, the user that you log in as must be a member of a user group that has the i2:Administrator command access control permission.
Verify that your user is an administrator
Check that your user has the i2:Administrator command access control permission when using the example deployment:
Check that the Administrator user group in the example-command-access-control.xml file in toolkit\configuration\fragments\opal-services\WEB-INF\classes has the i2:Administrator permission:
<CommandAccessPermissions UserGroup="Administrator"> <Permission Value="i2:Administrator" /> </CommandAccessPermissions>
Check that your user belongs to the Administrator group in the user.registry.xml file in i2analyze\deploy\wlp\usr\shared\config.
For example, if the name of the user is "Jenny", you should have the following:
<group name="Administrator"> <member name="Jenny"/> </group>
If this setting does not exist, add your user to the Administrator user group to reflect the snippet above.
Deploy with changes
If you made changes to the example-command-access-control.xml file above, redeploy and restart the Liberty server.
setup -t deployLiberty
setup -t startLiberty
Check access to the admin console
In a web browser, go to <i2-Analyze-URL>/admin and check that you can access the admin console using your login details. Here, <i2-Analyze-URL> is the URL used to access your i2 Analyze deployment. For example, this might be http://localhost:9082/opaldaod/admin.
More information
For more information about command access control, see Controlling access to features.