You can change the time of day that i2 Analyze runs Visual Queries that are saved with
alerting enabled. By default, these queries are run once every 24 hours at 00:00 according to the
server time.
About this task
If you follow this procedure in a
deployment that provides high availability, you
must complete each step on every Liberty server in
your environment before you move to the next
Using a text editor, open the file.
You can find this file in the following location:
Edit the value of
The default value is 00:00. The required format is HH:mm.
HH is the hour of the day in a 24-hour time format, 00 - 23, and
mm is the number of minutes past the hour, 00 - 59.
- To ensure that the daily schedule value is implemented, check that the
property is not enabled. -
Save and close the file.
Redeploy i2 Analyze to update the
application with your changes.
In a command prompt, navigate to the
- Stop Liberty:
- Update the i2
Analyze application:
- Start Liberty:
What to do next
After you redeploy i2 Analyze, the Visual
Queries that are saved with alerting enabled are
run according to the updated daily schedule.